Carson Smithfield is strongly committed to protecting the privacy of its customers and website visitors. We welcome you to our site and provide the following Privacy Statement to help make you feel comfortable with our practices. This Privacy Statement governs Carson Smithfield's practices concerning visits to and information you share at this website. It does not govern the websites or information-sharing practices of any affiliates of Carson Smithfield.
What We Know About You
We do NOT automatically capture any personal information about you (including your e-mail address) other than the information you specifically provide to us on submitted forms. If you would like us to respond to your feedback, please provide your e-mail address or phone number.
Domain Names and IP Addresses
Domain names identify the name of the entity through whom you access the Internet (for example, "" if you are connecting from America Online, or "" if you are connecting from a U.S. Government domain). An IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer when you enter the web. Web servers identify your computer by its IP address. Our web server recognizes visitor domain names and IP addresses, but not e-mail addresses or other personal identifiers. We use domain names and IP addresses to measure, in the aggregate, information regarding which, when and how many of our pages are accessed. From this information, we can improve the content of our web pages and make the site more useful. Again, individual visitors remain anonymous and no personal information is captured when individuals simply visit our pages.
Who Utilizes the Data You Provide to Us
Any data you provide to us is used exclusively by Carson Smithfield and its affiliates, as permitted by law. It is not sold to unaffiliated third parties and will not be used internally for additional solicitations. If you provide us with personal information, that data becomes part of Carson Smithfield's in-house secure environment. Employee access to customer information is restricted and limited to a need-to-know basis.
Portions of the above Privacy Statement may be removed, modified, revised or added to at our discretion. Please check this page periodically for changes.